Monday, 17 January 2011

Sock it to me sock designs

Here are my two sock designs I submitted into the sock it to me design contest. Each contestant was allowed up to 5 designs. So, I submitted three. These two were among the 60 finalists.

A day at the beach!

Today I am posting a new addition to my Illustration Portfolio.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Resolutions for Illustration Friday

This is my entry for Illustration Friday. The topic is Resolutions. I have shown the most common ones here, like loosing weight, exercise, drink more water, eat more fruits and veggies and of course quit smoking.  I personally don't believe in new year resolutions but secretly always think of loosing weight in the beginning of almost every year...;) 

New Year, new beginning!

I’ve been wanting to have a blog for quite some time now, and I’ve finally done it! I hope this will motivate me to be more creative and make lots of new artwork everyday!